Litigation portfolios and strategic processes:
this is our business.

Oliveira Silva Attorneys has been operating since 2006 focusing on management of litigation portfolios (administrative and judicial) and strategic processes. The Law Firm is specialized in legal assistance and consultancy for companies, in both preventive and contentious counsel. Our goal is to guide our clients with confidence and efficiency in making decisions and business.

Believing that our client is our greatest asset and aiming for long-lasting relationships, characterized by quality and trust in our services, we stand out for our encompassing legal counsel, optimizing benefits and minimizing risks, which is reflected in our result-oriented work ethic.

Our Structure

We count on wide, modern and well-located headquarters in one of the best locations of the city, the charming Moinhos de Vento district.

Our structure provides comfortable space, including reception, meeting rooms, library, leisure room and parking, so as to provide our clients with qualified and differentiated service and offer a pleasant work environment to our staff.

Fields in which we act

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Civil and Common Law

Filing and defending from public and collective civil lawsuits

Consultancy in Conduct Adjustment Terms and various deals

Administration of administrative and legal process portfolios

Civil accountability prevention strategies and policies

Indemnification claims


Counsel in all stages of the labor relationship, from hiring to dismissing or retiring

Administration of labor claims portfolio

Preventive consultancy


Tax Consultancy and Planning

Fiscal defense, formal consults and negotiation with government agencies

Lawsuits to obtain tax exemption and benefits

Debt Collection

Expertise in court and out of court collection

Debt negotiation and composition

Search for debtor assets and information


Incorporation, formatting and restructuring of corporate partnerships

Asset protection

Out of court recovery

Succession planning


Elaboration and analysis of contracts

Focus on the celerity of safe businesses that meet the client’s expectations

Constant follow-up on constant law alterations and legal precedence

Improvement of various contract forms, making the transaction as advantageous as possible


Action in all and every demand in the field of telecommunications

Wide assistance in administrative proceedings

Elaboration of reports and technical consultations


Performance in any and all demand in the area of ​​electric energy

Extensive advice on administrative procedures

Preparation of opinions and technical consultations

Administrative Law and Public Bidding

Complete assistance: from qualification to ratification of bidding processes

Challenging biddings

Administrative and legal defense

Our lawyers seek
excellence in the art of Law.

Our team is composed of professionals in constant growth,
with postgraduate degrees in several fields of Law. Always investing
in training and structure, we attempt to provide our staff with
professional and personal development opportunities.


Attorneys | Collaborators

Ricardo Silva Filho

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB / RS 64.834

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from PUCRS

  • Experience in Legal Business Assistance

  • Experience in Legal Consultancy within the State District Attorney’s Office and the Court of Justice of the State of Rio Grande do Sul

Roberta de Oliveira Silva

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB / RS 82.560

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Specialist in Business Law – LLM from Getúlio Vargas Foundation – FGV – Decision

  • Experience in Legal Business Assistance

  • Bachelor of Psychology from PUCRS

Ricardo de Oliveira Silva

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB / RS 13.471

  • Bachelor of Laws from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS

  • Retired Prosecutor of the State District Attorney’s Office

  • Specialist in Civil Procedural Law

  • Ongoing Master’s Degree in Civil Procedural Law

  • Professor at the Higher Education College of the District Attorney’s Office

  • President of the Brazilian Association of Therapeutic Justice

Alessandra Rebelo

  • Administrative Manager

  • Business Administrator

  • Specialist in Business Management

  • Experience in Financial Management, People Management and Strategic Planning

Carla Drago Gordim

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 70.707

  • Bachelor of Laws from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS

  • Specialist in Criminal Law from IDC

  • Specialist in Tax Law from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS 

  • Experience in Corporate Law, Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law

Anna Paula Mendes Oliveira

  •  Brazilian Bar Association OAB / RS 87.150

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Specialist in Public International Law and Private Law and Integration by Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS

  • Experience in Corporate Legal Advisory and Banking

Carolina Longhi Desessards

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 87.854

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS 

  • Specialist in Real Estate Law from UNIRITTER – Laureate International Universities

  • Experience in Corporate Legal, Banking and Public Servants

Dayane Nunes Fagundes Cantiliano

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 85.225

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Graduate student in Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law from Verbo Jurídico

  • Experience in Contract Law, Civil Liability and Consumer Law

Estefania Heguaburu Silveira

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 90.124

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS  

  • Specialist in Agricultural and Environmental Law Applied to Agribusiness from the Universal Institute of  Marketing in Agribusiness – I-A and Universidade Paulista – UNIP

Marina de Luca

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 68.750

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Completion of Preparatory Course for Judges – AJURIS

  • Experience in Consumer Law, Banking Law, Civil Litigation and Enforcement of Judicial and Extrajudicial Titles

Priscila Feijó Mylius

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 62.261

  • Bachelor of Laws from Uniritter Laureate International Universities

  • Experience in Consumer Law, Banking Law, Civil Litigation and Enforcement of Judicial and Extrajudicial Securities, Liability, Labor Law and Family.

Aline Dall’Agnol

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 100.308

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

Andressa Da Silva Rodrigues

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 100.829

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

Cainan Vinicius Serres dos Santos

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB / RS 101.320

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Experience in Labor Law and Civil Law

Camila Adam Fialho

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 86.517

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Specialist in Labor Law and Labour Procedural Law from the Magistrates’ Foundation School of the State of Rio Grande do Sul – FEMARGS

  • Experience in Consumer’s Rights, Banking Law, Civil Law and Judicial and Extrajudicial Instrument’s Enforcements

Cariziane de Souza Mauat

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 72.804

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Experience in Small Claims Court and Business and Corporate Law

Cristina de Oliveira Silva

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 27.341

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Legal Courses at AJURIS and ESMP

  • Former professor at PUCRS

  • Former Legal Counsel at the Military Court

Estella Rita Cremonti

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 101.128

  • Bachelor of Laws from Uniritter Laureate International Universities

  • Graduate in Tax Law from Uniritter Laureate International Universities

  • Experience in Banking Law.

Gabrielle Schinestsck Bardou

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 99.969

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS  

  • Experience in Family and Succession Law, Childhood and Youth’s Rights and Insurance Law

Gisele Rodrigues Damazio

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 98.171

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS  

  • Experience in Corporate Legal Counsel, Procurement, Contracts, Labor Law, Intellectual Property Law, Law of Obligations and Management of Public Policies

Jean Pablo Barbosa Vellozo

  • Bachelor of Laws from the Lutheran University of Brazil – ULBRA

  • Experience in Consumer Law, Civil Law and Labour Law.

Josane Pacheco Fraga

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB / RS 82.189

  • Bachelor of Laws from UNIRITTER – Laureate International Universities

  • Specialist in Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law, from UNIRITTER

  • Ongoing Specialization Course in Labour Law and Labour Procedural Law from IMED

  • Experience in Labor Law, Consumer’s Rights, Banking Law and Insurance Law

Julia Bordin Johnson

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 86.890

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Expert in Public Law from ESMAFE/RS and Civil Procedural Law from PUCRS

  • Experience in Corporate Legal Advisory and Banking Law

Kassiane Mussi Klafke

  • OAB/RS 71.672 

  • Bachelor of Laws from Universidade Católica de Pelotas – UCPEL

  • Masters Degree in Law and Civil Procedure by Complexo de Ensino Superior de Santa Catarina – CESUSC

  • Completion of Preparatory Course for Judges State of the State of Santa Catarina – ESMESC

  • Experience in Consumer Law, Civil Litigation and Enforcement of Judicial and Extrajudicial Titles

Kleber Focchesatto Tybusch

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 90.701
  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS
  • Ongoing Specialization in Public Law with an emphasis on Administrative Law from UNIRITTER – Laureate International Universities
  • Experience in Public and Corporate Law

Laís Stein Schmitt

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS
  • Experience in Civil and Labor Law

Laiza Longaray Reis

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 95.191

  • Bachelor of Laws from Integrated College of São Judas Tadeu

  • Experience in Banking, Social Security, Labor and Civil Legal Advisory

Liziane Garim Meneses

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB / RS 101.338

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Experience in Business and Corporete Law

Luísa Oliveira Gonçalves

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 83.927

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Expert in Civil Procedural Law from PUCRS

  • Experience in Civil Litigation Law, Consumer Law, Banking Law and Civil Liability

Maithe Oliveira Peixoto

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 98.333

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS  

  • Experience in Military Penal Law

Mariel Moraes de Oliveira

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 91.185

  • Bachelor of Laws from the Lutheran University of Brazil – ULBRA

  • Specialist in Labor and Social Security Law from University of Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC

Paula Lascani Silveira

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 104.595

  • Bachelor of Laws from Development University of Rio Grande do Sul – FADERGS

  • Expert in International Law from Universidad Europea de Madrid – UEM

  • Graduate student in Public Law at UniRitter.
  • Experience in Electoral Law, Public Law and Civil Procedural Law

Raphael Peglow Schafirowitz

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB / RS 100.314

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Ongoing Specialization and L.L.M. in Business Law from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS

  • Experience in Corporate, Regulatory and Civil Law

Renata Vieira da Cunha Araújo

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 87.928

  • Bachelor of Laws from UNIRITTER – Laureate International Universities

  • Specialist in Civil Procedural Law and Social Sciences from by Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS

  • Experience in Tax Enforcement, Consumer’s Rights and Civil Liability

Renata Bigarella Zugno

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 102.839

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul –PUCRS

  • Experience in Mass Litigations in Civil Law

Rodrigo de Freitas Winter

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 89.092

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from PUCRS

  • Experience in Civil Law and Consumer’s Rights Law

Ronaldo Rocha De Morais

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 97.917

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Expert in Civil Procedural Law from PUCRS

  • Experience in Civil Law and Consumer Law

Samara Mazzuco Barreto

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 88.233

  • Bachelor of Laws from Cenecista Institute of Santo Ângelo – IESA

  • Experience in Consumer Law, Banking Law and Labor Law

Stéphanie Bigliardi

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 95.953

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

  • Attending Specialization in labor law at UFRGS

  • Experience in Consumer Law, Banking, Real Estate, Social Security, Civil Litigation and Enforcement of Judicial and Extrajudicial Titles

Thiago Zucchi

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 99.468
  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS
  • Experience in Labor Law, Consumer Banking and Litigation

Vanessa Christo de Assumpção

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 90.749

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS  

  • Specialist in Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law from IDC

  • Experience in Tax Enforcement, Asset Recovery, Criminal Law and Criminal Law Enforcement, Family Law, Labor Law and Social Security Law

Vinícius Carvalho de Oliveira

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 94.892

  • Bachelor of Laws from the Universitary Center of Brasilia – UniCEUB

  • Specialist in Consumer’s Rights Law from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS

  • Specialist in Electronic Law from Verbo Jurídico

  • Experience in Business Law, Criminal Law and Jury

Vinicius Oliveira Leal

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB/RS 104.007

  • Bachelor of Laws from the University of Região da Campanha – URCAMP (Santana do Livramento)

  • Graduate in Family and Inheritans Law from PUCRS

  • Experience in Family Law and Banking Law

Vinicius Piazza Moreira

  • Brazilian Bar Association OAB / RS 87.180

  • Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS  

  • Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS

  • Experience in Civil Law, Consumer’s Rights, Labor Law, Social Security Law and Business Law

Aquiles E Silva Maciel

  • Ongoing Bachelor of Laws from UNISINOS

Camila Miritz Kawski

  • Ongoing Bachelor of Laws from Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis – UniRitter Laureate International Universities

Clarissa Cruz Pereira

  • Ongoing Bachelor of Laws from Don Bosco Faculty

Giovanni Silva Farina

  • Ongoing Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

Jamile Fraga Cordeiro

  • Ongoing Bachelor of Laws from Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis – UniRitter Laureate International Universities

Katerine Beatriz Rotta

  • Ongoing Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS

Natália Jara

  • Ongoing Bachelor of Laws from São Judas Tadeu

Taynah da Rosa Paz

  • Ongoing Bachelor of Laws from Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis – UniRitter Laureate International Universities

Angela Antunes do Couto

  • General Services Assistant

Bruna Rosa de Sant’Anna

  • Librarian

  • Bachelor of Librarianship from UFRGS and Graduate in Management from Uniasselvi

Sônia Kirst

  • Executive Secretary

Partners   |   Managers   |   Coordinators   |   Lawyers   |   Scholars   |   Administrative

Cases of success

Claims that impacted our history.

  • Testimonial

    A client, a stock exchange investor, suffered losses because of a professional working for a Stock Broker Firm, who lost his stocks in unauthorized high-risk negotiations. An administrative claim was filed at Bovespa – Stock Exchange, which determined the value of the stocks the client was entitled to; however, the Broker Firm filed a lawsuit, temporarily suspending the decision. By means of an injunction, we managed to suspend the court order so as to reinstate the administrative decision that had ordered the payment. This led to our Firm and the Broker Firm to sign an out of court agreement to terminate the process, obtaining a millionaire indemnification for the client.

  • Testimonial

    Owner of a property on which a gas station operated had his real estate property seized by the city administration. The payment of the rent had been made beforehand, but the contract included a clause conditioning the reimbursement only after an indemnification received from the public entity. The tenant, breaking the contract, filed a claim to receive back the amount paid as rent. The claim was granted and the Court decision was maintained. It was then that the Firm join the proceedings, when an appeal was already waiting to be judged in Brasilia. We approached the ministers in order to understand the mistake in the original ruling, which caused the decision to be voided. Back in the Court, after several appeals and personal claims to the judges, the lawsuit was found ungrounded, releasing the client from the penalties he had incurred.

  • Testimonial

    The State District Attorney’s Office filed several claims against a company in the area of telecommunications, so as to adequate and improve its services. Instead of starting a conflict with that institution, the Firm began a series of negotiations, keeping the conversations with the DA’s Office open and transparent. After long and hard negotiations, agreements were signed to end the lawsuits and implement several measures to qualify the service.

  • Testimonial

    A student with special needs had his enrollment rejected right before classes started in a traditional School in Porto Alegre, with no acceptable justification. After further investigating the case, it was found that the rejection was grounded on prejudice, due to the student’s limitations. What happened was that the student had already studied in that school until the 8th grade, and the enrollment rejection coincided with the change of the Principal and with the new administration. Our Firm filed a claim to enforce the student’s right to enroll and to recover the scholarship, which had also been canceled. The claim was granted on the same day, allowing the student to resume his studies and interaction with his peers, teachers and friends. Later, the student was indemnified for having been exposed to this situation.

  • Testimonial

    After seeing in the newspaper that a baby afflicted with paralysis could not have access to the medication it needed from the State Pharmacy, Silva & Berthold Attorneys at Law contacted the child’s family through the news reporters, and proposed to articulate with the Department of Health. The Firm already had expertise with such claims and was ready to appeal to the Justice System, with no cost for the family. Fortunately, however, the claim was not necessary, for due to intense action at the administrative level, it was possible to obtain the medication for the low-income family without further delay.

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    Oliveira Silva Advogados